Sunday, October 18, 2009

Mr. Chamberlain, Kaia, and Intrepid Teacher

Kaia taking pictures for blog
This week's assignment was different from most because all of the posts that were looked at went together. Every post had the same connection. The third post visited, which was the Intrepid Teacher was the event that happened first. Kaia's father is a teacher, and he was reading a book. While reading the book about nature, he decided to let his daughter go out and spend time in their nature. His daughter, Kaia, took pictures and then made a simple video essay about her pictures. The second post was about Kaia's pictures and nature experience in her own backyard. The lesson her dad was teaching her was "...even if they are discarded and ugly, they can be beautiful, if we look at them right" (Dear Kaia, Technology available has made it to where a little girl that can't read can take pictures and still make an essay out of them by telling the audience what the pictures are.

Mr. Chamberlain's class partakes in Comments 4 Kids, and his class commented on Kaia's blog post. Because Kaia is not able to read yet, the class made her a voicethread to let her know what they commented on. Technology is so great and useful for these types of things. For a little girl to be able to communicate in some way with a class around the world is amazing! Also, Kaia's father Skyped to Mr. Chamberlain's class.

Technology is go advanced and useful if educators use what is available. Because of technology, a little girl can communicate, without being able to read, a teacher can communicate to another class that is around the world, and teachers and students everywhere can work together without having to ever have met one another. Voicethreads, Skype, video essays, and so much more are helpful to students and teachers both. It is so exciting to see what technology provides, and it is even more exciting to think what technology will be like in just 10 years!

To implicate these types of technology in the future, educators will be able to have their students communicate to other students around the U.S. as well as the world. The implications for teaching and learning is great for the future because technology is allowing everybody to be connected. Schools in the future are going to be different than schools now; the question is, how will schools be in the future with all of the new technologies available?

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