Friday, October 9, 2009

Comments 4 Kids

popsicle genetics project
The class blog that I read was about Mr. McClung's class. The post I read was about his week's activities. The first activity he did with his class was on the topic of genetics. His activity was putting Popsicle people together in pairs in order to show genes. From what I read, it sounded as if the students really enjoyed it.

The other point he made in his post was about Tie Tuesdays. Every Tuesday, he and his students wear ties to school. It is a Mr. McClung "thing"; however, they hope that it will catch on throughout the school, as well as other schools. I think Tie Tuesday is a fun way to connect people together. Tie Tuesday is such a simple thing to show people unity.

His last comment was on the fact that everybody has not so great weeks. His week was stressful, yet he always looks for the positives. I think that everybody has weeks that get them down, but they can't let them bring them down completely. Tough weeks make the good weeks even better.

I really enjoyed reading Mr. McClung's post, and look forward to reading more.


  1. Mr. McClung sounds like an inspiring teacher! We should hope to inspire our studnets one day also!

  2. I agree with Angel's comment. When I read Mr. McClung's blog it makes me want to be a better teacher. SS
